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第一条 根据《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》(以下简称条例)第二十八条的规定,制定本细则。
第二条 条例第一条所称货物,是指有形动产,包括电力、热力、气体在内。
第三条 条例第一条所称销售货物,是指有偿转让货物的所有权。
第四条 单位或个体经营者的下列行为,视同销售货物:
第五条 一项销售行为如果既涉及货物又涉及非应税劳务,为混合销售行为。从事货物的生产、批发或零售的企业、企业性单位及个体经营者的混合销售行为,视为销售货物,应当征收增值税;其他单位和个人的混合销售行为,视为销售非应税劳务,不征收增值税。
第六条 纳税人兼营非应税劳务的,应分别核算货物或应税劳务和非应税劳务的销售额。不分别核算或者不能准确核算的,其非应税劳务应与货物或应税劳务一并征收增值税。
第七条 条例第一条所称在中华人民共和国境内(以下简称境内)销售货物,是指所销售的货物的起运地或所在地在境内;
第八条 条例第一条所称单位,是指国有企业、集体企业、私有企业、股份制企业、其他企业和行政单位、事业单位、军事单位、社会团体及其他单位。
第九条 企业租赁或承包给他人经营的,以承租人或承包人为纳税人。
第十条 纳税人销售不同税率货物或应税劳务,并兼营应属一并征收增值税的非应税劳务的,其非应税劳务应从高适用税率。
第十一条 小规模纳税人以外的纳税人(以下简称一般纳税人)因销货退回或折让而退还给购买方的增值税额,应从发生销货退回或折让当期的销项税额中扣减,因进货退出或折让而收回的增值税额,应从发生进货退出或折让当期的进项税额中扣减。
第十二条 条例第六条所称价外费用,是指价外向购买方收取的手续费、补贴、基金、集资费返还利润、奖励费、违约金(延期付款利息)、包装费、包装物租金、储备费、优质费、运输装卸费、代收款项、代垫款项及其他各种性质的价外收费。但下列项目不包括在内:
第十三条 混合销售行为和兼营的非应税劳务,依照本细则第五条、第六条规定应当征收增值税的,其销售额分别为货物与非应税劳务的销售额的合计,货物或者应税劳务与非应税劳务的销售额的合计。
第十四条 一般纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务采用销售额和销项税额合并定价方法的,按下列公式计算销售额:
第十五条 根据条例第六条的规定,纳税人按外汇结算销售额的,其销售额的人民币折合率可以选择销售额发生的当天或当月1日的国家外汇牌价(原则上为中间价)。纳税人应在事先确定采用何种折合率,确定后一年内不得变更。
第十六条 纳税人有条例第七条所称价格明显偏低并无正当理由或者有本细则第四条所列视同销售货物行为而无销售额者,按下列顺序确定销售额:
第十七条 条例第八条第三款所称买价,包括纳税人购进免税农业产品支付给农业生产者的价款和按规定代收代缴的农业特产税。
第十八条 混合销售行为和兼营的非应税劳务,依照本细则第五条、第六条的规定应当征收增值税的,该混合销售行为所涉及的非应税劳务和兼营的非应税劳务所用购进货物的进项税额,符合条例第八条规定的,准予从销项税额中抵扣。
第十九条 条例第十条所称固定资产是指:
第二十条 条例第十条所称非应税项目,是指提供非应税劳务、转让无形资产、销售不动产和固定资产在建工程等。
第二十一条 条例第十条所称非正常损失,是指生产经营过程中正常损耗外的损失,包括:
第二十二条 已抵扣进项税额的购进货物或应税劳务发生条例第十条第(二)至(六)项所列情况的,应将该项购进货物或应税劳务的进项税额从当期发生的进项税额中扣减。无法准确确定该项进项税额的,按当期实际成本计算应扣减的进项税额。
第二十三条 纳税人兼营免税项目或非应税项目(不包括固定资产在建工程)而无法准确划分不得抵扣的进项税额的,按下列公式计算不得抵扣的进项税额。
不得抵 当月全 非应税项目营业额合计扣的进=部进项×----------项税额 税 额 当月全部销售额、
第二十四条 条例第十一条所称小规模纳税人的标准规定如下:
第二十五条 小规模纳税人的销售额不包括其应纳税额。
第二十六条 小规模纳税人因销货退回或折让退还给购买方的销售额,应从发生销货退回或折让当期的销售额中扣减。
第二十七条 条例第十四条所称会计核算健全,是指能按会计制度和税务机关的要求准确核算销项税额、进项税额和应纳税额。
第二十八条 个体经营者符合条例第十四条所定条件的,经国家税务总局直属分局批准,可以认定为一般纳税人。
第二十九条 小规模纳税人一经认定为一般纳税人后,不得再转为小规模纳税人。
第三十条 一般纳税人有下列情形之一者,应按销售额依照增值税税率计算应纳税额,不得抵扣进项税额,也不得使用增值税专用发票。
第三十一条 条例第十六条所列部分免税项目的范围,限定如下:
第三十二条 条例第十八条所称增值税起征点的适用范围只限于个人。
第三十三条 条例第十九条第(一)项规定的销售货物或者应税劳务的纳税义务发生时间,按销售结算方式的不同,具体为:
第三十四条 境外的单位或个人在境内销售应税劳务而在境内未设有经营机构的,其应纳税款以代理人为扣缴义务人;没有代理人的,以购买者为扣缴义务人。
第三十五条 非固定业户到外县(市)销售货物或者应税劳务未向销售地主管税务机关申报纳税的,由其机构所在地或者居住地主管税务机关补征税款。
第三十六条 条例第二十条所称税务机关,是指国家税务总局及其所属征收机关。
第三十七条 本细则所称“以上”、“以下”,均含本数或本级。
第三十八条 本细则由财政部解释,或者由国家税务总局解释。
第三十九条 本细则从条例施行之日起实施。1984年9月28日财政部颁发的《中华人民共和国增值税条例(草案)实施细则》、《中华人民共和国产品税条例(草案)实施细则》同时废止。


(Ministry of Finance: 25 December 1993)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
These Detailed Rules are formulated in accordance with the
stipulations of Article 28 of the Republic of China on Value-Added Tax> (hereinafter referred to as "the
Article 2
"Goods" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
tangible moveable goods, including electricity, heat, and gas.
"Processing" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
the business of contracting to process goods, where the contractor
supplies the raw material and major materials and the subcontractor
manufactures the goods in accordance with the requirements of the
contractor and receives a processing fee.
"Repairs and replacement" as mentioned in Article 1 of the
Regulations refers to the business of contracting to carry out repairs of
damaged or malfunctioned goods, so as to restore the goods to their
original conditions and functions.
Article 3
"Sales of goods" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers
to the transfer of the ownership of goods for any consideration.
"Provision of processing, repairs and replacement services" as
mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to the provision of
processing, repairs and replacement services for any consideration.
However the provision of processing, repairs and replacement services by
the staff employed by the units or individual business operators for their
units or employers shall not be included.
"Consideration" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules includes money,
goods or any economic benefit obtained from the purchasers.
Article 4
The following activities of units or individual operators shall be
deemed as sales of goods:
(1) Consignment of goods to others for sale;
(2) Sale of goods under consignment;
(3) Transfer of goods from one establishment to other establishments
for sale by a taxpayer that maintains two or more establishments and
adopts consolidated accounting, unless the relevant establishments are
maintained in the same county (or city);
(4) Application of self-produced or processed goods to produce
non-taxable items;
(5) Provision of self-produced, processed or purchased goods to other
units or individual operators as investments;
(6) Distribution of self-produced, processed or purchased goods to
shareholders or investors;
(7) Use of self-produced or processed goods for collective welfare or
personal consumption;
(8) Giving out self-produced, processed or purchased goods to others
as free gifts.
Article 5
A sales activity that involves goods and non-taxable services shall
be a mixed sales activity. Mixed sales activities of enterprises,
enterprise units or individual business operators engaged in production,
wholesaling or retailing of goods shall be regarded as sales of goods
which shall be subject to VAT. Mixed sales activities of other units or
individuals shall be regarded as sales of non-taxable services which shall
not be subject to VAT.
Whether a taxpayer's sales activity is a mixed sales activity shall
be determined by the tax collecting authorities under the State
Administration of Taxation.
"Non-taxable services" as mentioned in the first paragraph of this
Article refers to the services subject to Business Tax within the scope of
the taxable items of communications and transportation, construction,
finance and insurance, posts and telecommunications, culture and sports,
entertainment, and service industries.
"Enterprises, enterprise units or individual business operators
engaged in production, wholesaling or retailing of goods" as mentioned in
the first paragraph of this Article includes enterprises, enterprise
units, and individual business operators principally engaged in the
production, wholesaling or retailing of goods and also engaged in
non-taxable services.
Article 6
Taxpayers also engaged in non-taxable services shall account
separately for the sales amount of goods and taxable services and
non-taxable services. Without separate accounting or where accurate
accounting cannot be made, the non-taxable services and goods and taxable
services shall together be subject to VAT.
Whether non-taxable services so engaged by the taxpayer shall be
subject to VAT shall be determined by the tax collecting authorities under
the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 7
"Sales of goods within the territory of the People's Republic of
China" (hereinafter referred to as "within the territory") as mentioned in
Article 1 of the Regulations refers to the place of despatch or the
location of the goods sold is within the territory.
"Sales of taxable services in the territory" as mentioned in Article
1 of the Regulations refers to the sales of taxable services that takes
place within the territory.
Article 8
"Units" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
State-owned enterprises, collectively owned enterprises, privately- owned
enterprises, joint-stock enterprises, other enterprises, administrative
units, institutions, military units, social organizations and other units.
"Individuals" as mentioned in Article 1 of the Regulations refers to
individual business operators and other individuals.
Article 9
For enterprises which lease or contract to others for management, the
lessees or the sub-contractors shall be the taxpayers.
Article 10
Taxpayers selling goods or taxable services with different tax rates
and also engaged in non-taxable services which shall be subject to VAT,
the highest of the tax rates on goods or taxable services shall apply to
the non taxable services.
Article 11
For taxpayers other than small-scale taxpayers (hereinafter referred
to as "general taxpayers"), the VAT refundable to purchasers due to
returns inward or discount allowed shall be deducted from the output tax
for the period in which the returns inward or discount allowed takes
place. The VAT recovered due to the returns outward or discount received
shall be deducted from the input tax for the period in which the returns
outward or discount received takes place.
Article 12
"Other charges" as mentioned in Article 6 of the Regulations refers
to handling fees, subsidies, funds, fund raising fees, profits sharing,
incentive bonus, damages on breach of contract (interest on deferred
payments), packaging charges, rentals on packaging materials, contingency
charges, quality charges, freight and loading and unloading charges,
commissioned receipts, commissioned payments and charges of any other
nature which is in addition to the price charged to the purchaser. The
following items nevertheless shall not be included:
(1) Output VAT collected from purchasers;
(2) Consumption Tax withheld on processing of consumer goods subject
to Consumption Tax;
(3) Disbursement of freight charges that satisfies both the following
1. A freight invoice of transportation department was issued to the
purchaser; and
2. The same invoice is turned over by the taxpayer to the purchaser.
All other charges, regardless of the accounting treatment under the
accounting system adopted, shall be included in the sales amount in
computing the tax payable.
Article 13
Where the taxpayer is engaged in mixed sales activities and the
non-taxable services that are subject to VAT in accordance with Article 5
and Article 6 of these Detailed Rules, his sales amount shall be
respectively the sum the his sales amounts of goods and non-taxable
services, or the sum of the sales amounts of goods or taxable services and
the non-taxable services.
Article 14
For general taxpayers selling goods or taxable services that adopt
the pricing method of combining the sales amount and the output tax, the
sales amount shall be computed according to the following formula:
Sales amount including tax
Sales amount = ----------------------------
1 + tax rate
Article 15
Pursuant to the stipulations of Article 6 of the Regulations, if a
taxpayer settles the sales amount in foreign exchange, the Renminbi
conversion rate for the sales amount to be selected can be the foreign
exchange rate quoted by the State (the average rate in Principle)
prevailing on the date or that on the first day of the month in which the
sales take place. Taxpayers shall determine in advance the conversion
rate to be adopted. Once determined, no change is allowed within 1 year.
Article 16
For taxpayers whose prices are obviously low and without proper
justification as mentioned in Article 7 of the Regulations, or have
activities of selling goods as listed in Article 4 of these Detailed Rules
but without invoiced sales amounts, the sales amount shall be determined
according to the following sequence:
(1) Determined according to the average selling price of the taxpayer
on the same goods in the same month;
(2) Determined according to the average selling price of the taxpayer
on the same goods in the recent period;
(3) Determined according to the composite assessable value. The
formula of the composite assessable value shall be:
Composite assessable Value = Cost X (1 + cost plus margin)
For goods subject to Consumption Tax, the composite assessable value
shall include Consumption Tax payable.
"Cost" in the formula refers to the actual costs of products sold for
sales of self-produced goods; and the actual costs of purchases for sales
of purchased goods. The rate of cost-plus margin in the formula shall be
determined by the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 17
The "Purchase price" as mentioned in Paragraph 3, Article 8 of the
Regulations includes the price paid by taxpayers to agricultural producers
for purchasing tax-exempt agricultural products and the Agricultural
Special Product Tax withheld according to the regulations.
The "price paid" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to
the price specified on the purchasing voucher approved for use by the
competent tax authorities.
Article 18
For mixed sales activities and non-taxable services which are subject
to VAT according to the stipulations of Article 5 and Article 6 of these
Detailed Rules, the input tax on goods purchased for use in the
non-taxable services involved in the mixed sales activities or in the
non-taxable services that satisfies the stipulations of Article 8 of the
Regulations is allowed to be credited from the output tax.
Article 19
"Fixed assets" as mentioned in Article 10 of the Regulations
refers to:
(1) Machinery, mechanical apparatus, means of transport, and other
equipment, tools and apparatus related to production or business
operations with a useful life of more than one year;
(2) Article that are not the main equipment for production or
business operations but with a unit value of more than 2000 yuan and a
useful life of more than two years.
Article 20
"Non-taxable items" as mentioned in Article 10 of the Regulations
refers to the provision of non-taxable services, the transfer of
intangible assets, the sales of immovable properties and fixed assets
under construction, etc.
The construction, re-construction, expansion, repairing and
decoration of buildings by the taxpayer, regardless of the accounting
treatment under the accounting system adopted, shall be included in the
"fixed assets under construction" as mentioned in the proceeding
Article 21
"Abnormal losses" as mentioned in Article 10 of the Regulations
refers to losses other than the normal wear and tear in the course of
production or business operations. They include:
(1) Losses due to natural disasters;
(2) Losses due to theft, spoilage or deterioration, etc., resulting
from improper management;
(3) Other abnormal losses.
Article 22
Where input tax has already been claimed on goods purchased or
taxable services under the circumstances listed in Paragraphs (2) to (6)
in Article 10 of the Regulations, the input tax of these goods purchased
or taxable services shall be deducted from the input tax of that period.
If that input tax cannot be determined accurately, the input tax to be
deducted shall be computed based on the actual costs of that period.
Article 23
For taxpayers engaged in tax-exempt items or non-taxable items (not
including fixed assets under construction) and where the input tax cannot
be determined accurately, the non-creditable input tax shall be computed
according to the following formula:
Sum of the sales amounts of
tax-exempt items and
turnover of non-taxable
Non-creditable Total input tax items of the month
= x --------------------
in put tax of the month Sum of the total sales
amount and turnover of
the month
Article 24
The standards for small-scale taxpayers as mentioned in Article 11 of
the Regulations are as follows:
(1) Taxpayers engaged in the production of goods or the provision of
taxable services, and taxpayers engaged principally in the production of
goods or provision of taxable services but also in wholesaling or
retailing of goods, the annual sales amount of which subject to VAT
(hereinafter referred to as "taxable sales amount") is below 1 million
(2) Taxpayers engaged in wholesaling or retailing of goods, the
annual taxable sales amount of which is below 1.8 million yuan.
Regardless whether the annual taxable sales amounts exceed the
standards for small-scale taxpayers, individuals, non-enterprise units,
and enterprises which do not often have taxable activities, are chargeable
as small-scale taxpayers.
Article 25
The sales amount of small-scale taxpayers does not include the tax
For small-scale taxpayers selling goods or providing taxable services
that adopt the method of setting prices by combining the sales amount and
the tax payable, the sales amount is computed according to the following
Sales amount including tax
Sales amount = ----------------------------
1 + Assessable rate
Article 26
For small-scale taxpayers, the sales amount refunded to the
purchasers due to returns inward or discount allowed shall be deducted
from the sales amount for the period in which the returns inward or
discount allowed occurs.
Article 27
"Sound accounting" as stated in Article 14 of the Regulations refers
to the capability of accurately accounting for the output tax, input tax
and tax payable in accordance with the accounting regulations and the
requirements of the tax authorities.
Article 28
Individual operators that satisfy the conditions as prescribed in
Article 14 of the Regulations and after the approval of the bureaux
directly under the State Administration of Taxation can be confirmed as
general taxpayers.
Article 29
Once the small-scale taxpayers have been confirmed as general
taxpayers, they cannot be reclassified as small-scale taxpayers.
Article 30
General taxpayers in any of the following circumstances shall compute
the tax payable based on the sales amount and according to the VAT rates,
but no input tax can be credited and special VAT invoices shall not be
(1) The accounting system is unsound or cannot provide accurate tax
(2) The conditions of general taxpayers are satisfied but the
taxpayer has not applied or processed the confirmation procedures as
general taxpayers.
Article 31
The scope of part of the tax-exempt items listed in Article 16 of the
Regulations are prescribed as follows:
(1) "Agricultural" as mentioned in Item (1) of Paragraph (1) refers
to planting, breeding, forestry, animal husbandry and aquatic products
"Agricultural producers" includes units and individuals engaged in
agricultural production.
"Agricultural products" refers to primary agricultural products. The
detailed scope of this definition shall be determined by the taxation
bureaux directly under the State Administration of Taxation.
(2) "Antique books" as mentioned in Item (3) of Paragraph (1) refers
to the ancient books and old books purchased from the public.
(3) "Articles" as mentioned in Item (8) of Paragraph (1) refers to
goods other than yachts, motorcycles, and motor vehicles that are subject
to Consumption Tax.
"Articles which have been used" refers to goods that have been used
by "other individuals" as mentioned in Article 8 of these Detailed Rules.
Article 32
The scope of application of "VAT minimum threshold" as mentioned in
Article 18 of the Regulations is limited to individuals.
The range of the VAT minimum threshold are stipulated as
(1) The minimum threshold for sales of goods shall be monthly sales
amount of 600 to 2000 yuan.
(2) The minimum threshold for sales of taxable services shall be
monthly sales amount of 200 to 800 yuan.
(3) The minimum threshold for assessment on a transaction-by-
transaction basis shall be sales amount per transaction (or per day) of 50
to 80 yuan.
"Sales amount" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the
"sales amount of small-scale taxpayers" as mentioned in the first
paragraph of Article 25 of these Detailed Rules.
The bureaux directly under the State Administration of Taxation shall
determine the minimum threshold locally applicable within the prescribed
range and in accordance with the actual conditions and shall report these
amounts to the State Administration of Taxation for their records.
Article 33
The timing at which the tax liability arises on the sales of goods or
taxable services as prescribed in Item (1), Article 19 of the Regulations
is specified according to the different methods of settlement as follows:
(1) For sales of goods under the direct payment method, it shall be
the date on which the sales sum is received or the documented evidence of
the right to collect the sales sum is obtained, and the bills of lading
are delivered to purchasers, regardless whether the goods are delivered;
(2) For sales of goods where the sales amount is entrusted for
collection, including where entrusted to banks for collection, it shall be
the date on which the goods are delivered and the procedures for entrusted
collection are completed;
(3) For sales of goods on credit or receipt by installments, it shall
be the date of collection agreed according to the contracts;
(4) For sales of goods with payment received in advance, it shall be
the date on which the goods are delivered;
(5) For sales of goods on a consignment to other taxpayers, it shall
be the date on which the detailed account of consignment sales are
received from the consignee;
(6) For sales of taxable services, it shall be the date on which the
services are provided and the sales sum is received or the documented
evidence of the right to collect the sales sum is obtained;
(7) For taxpayers that have the activities that are considered as
sales of goods as listed from Item (3) to Item (8) in Article 4 of these
Detailed Rules, it shall be the date on which the goods are transferred.
Article 34
For overseas units or individuals selling taxable services within the
territory but have not set up any business establishment within the
territory, the agents shall be the withholding agents for their tax
payable. If there are no agents, the purchaser shall be the withholding
Article 35
For business without a fixed base selling goods or taxable services
in a different county (or city) and have not reported and paid tax with
the competent tax authorities where the sales take place, the competent
tax authorities of the location where the establishments are located or
where the individual resides shall collect the overdue tax.
Article 36
"Tax authorities" as mentioned in Article 20 of the Regulations is
the State Administration of Taxation, and the collecting authorities
"The competent tax authorities" and "the collecting authorities" as
mentioned in the Regulations and these Detailed Rules refer to branches
offices under the State Administration of Taxation at county level and
Article 37
"Above" and "Below" as mentioned in these Detailed Rules also include
the figure or the level itself.
Article 38
These Detailed Rules shall be interpreted by the Ministry of Finance
or by the State Administration of Taxation.
Article 39
These Detailed rules shall be implemented on the date the Regulations
come into effect. The Implementation of the Draft Regulations of the People's Republic of China
on Value-Added Tax> and the

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第一章 总 则

第一条 为规范我市规范性文件制定工作,提高制度建设质量,推进依法行政,加快法治政府建设,根据《国务院关于加强法治政府建设的意见》、《江苏省规范性文件制定和备案规定》及有关法律法规规定,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称规范性文件,是指本市行政机关依照法定权限和程序制定的,涉及或者影响不特定的公民、法人和其他组织权利义务,在一定时期内反复适用,在本行政区域内具有普遍约束力的各类文件的总称,包括政府规范性文件和部门规范性文件。

第三条 本市行政区域内规范性文件的立项、起草、审核、决定和公布、备案、清理与评估等工作,适用本办法。


第四条 规范性文件制定应当遵循以下原则:






第五条 规范性文件管理工作情况,纳入县、区和市级部门依法行政考核内容。

第六条 本市行政区域内的下列机关(以下统称制定机关),可以就其职权范围内的事项,制定规范性文件:






第二章 立 项

第七条 市、县(区)政府应当编制规范性文件制定计划。政府工作部门认为需要提请本级政府制发规范性文件的,应当按规定向本级政府申请立项。


第八条 政府法制机构对立项申请进行汇总,根据本地经济社会发展实际,编制年度规范性文件制定计划,提请政府常务会议审议通过后执行。

第九条 列入制定计划的规范性文件,由申请立项的部门按规定的要求、时间完成起草任务。

第三章 起 草

第十条 规范性文件由制定机关组织起草。


第十一条 起草规范性文件,应当听取公民、法人和其他组织的意见。涉及重大事项或者关系群众切身利益的规范性文件,应当采取召开座谈会、论证会、听证会或者向社会公布草案等方式广泛征求意见。


第十二条 起草单位对公民、法人和其他组织提出的意见和建议应当记录在案、研究处理,并以适当形式反馈意见采纳情况。


第十三条 规范性文件关系到经济社会发展和人民群众切身利益的,应当进行合法性、合理性、可行性和可控性评估,重点对社会稳定、环境、经济等方面进行风险评估。

第十四条 规范性文件应当包括下列主要内容:







第四章 审 核

第十五条 规范性文件草案送审稿由制定机关法制机构负责统一审核。


第十六条 起草单位向政府法制机构报送审核时,应当报送下列材料:







第十七条 制定机关的法制机构对规范性文件草案送审稿的审核,按照下列程序进行:







第十八条 制定机关的法制机构负责对规范性文件草案送审稿的下列内容进行审核:








第十九条 政府法制机构可以通过政府网络问政平台、政府法制办网站公开规范性文件草案内容,向社会公众征求意见。


第二十条 对起草单位报送审核的规范性文件草案送审稿,法制机构应当进行修改、完善,并对重大分歧意见进行协调,不能形成一致意见的,报请同级人民政府或者本机关决定。

第二十一条 规范性文件草案送审稿有下列情形之一的,法制机构可以缓办或者将其退回起草单位:





第五章 决定和公布

第二十二条 规范性文件草案送审稿经法制机构审核符合规定的,可以提请本级人民政府或者本机关集体审议。未经法制机构审核的规范性文件草案送审稿不得提交审议。

第二十三条 政府规范性文件草案经政府常务会议讨论通过后,制定机关应当根据会议讨论意见组织有关部门进行修改后,报请政府主要负责人签署命令或者以其他政府文件形式公布施行。


第二十四条 规范性文件实行统一登记、统一编号、统一发布。



第二十五条 规范性文件应当自发布之日起30日后施行。但因保障国家安全、重大公共利益的需要,或者公布后不立即施行将有碍法律、法规、规章和规范性文件执行等情形的,可以自发布之日起施行。

第二十六条 公众有权查阅已经公布的规范性文件,制定机关应当为公众查阅提供方便。



第二十七条 规范性文件的解释权,由制定机关行使。公民、法人和其他组织可以向制定机关提出对规范性文件的解释要求。

第六章 备 案

第二十八条 规范性文件发布后,应当自发布之日起15日内,由制定机关依照下列规定向上级行政机关(以下统称备案监督机关)的法制机构报送备案:







第二十九条 报送规范性文件备案,应当向备案监督机关的法制机构提交备案报告、规范性文件正式文本、制定说明和制定依据,以及规范性文件的电子文本。


第三十条 备案监督机关的法制机构对报送备案的规范性文件,就下列事项进行审查:






第三十一条 报送备案的规范性文件,符合本办法第三十条要求的,备案监督机关的法制机构予以备案登记;完全不符合要求的,不予备案登记;部分符合要求的,暂缓办理备案登记,并通知制定机关补充报送备案或者重新报送备案,补充或者重新报送备案符合规定的,予以备案登记。



第三十二条 政府规范性文件公布后,由政府法制机构负责向上级人民政府和同级人大常委会报送备案。

第七章 评估和清理

第三十三条 制定机关应当每隔2年对本机关制定的规范性文件进行评估清理。


第三十四条 拟修改或者废止的规范性文件,应当经政府常务会议或者部门办公会议决定后,及时公布修改或者废止规范性文件的决定。

第三十五条 已公布的行政规范性文件,有下列情形之一的,应当及时进行清理:





第三十六条 规范性文件实施后,实施机关应当定期对规范性文件及其实施情况进行评估,并将评估意见报告制定机关的法制机构。

第三十七条 对具有下列情形之一的规范性文件,应当进行实施后评估:





第三十八条 后评估应当根据合法性、合理性、可操作性、实效性等标准,对规范性文件的政策措施、执行情况、实施效果等内容进行评估。



第三十九条 制定机关应当定期对规范性文件进行汇总或者汇编,并将汇总及汇编的情况告知本级政府法制机构。


第八章 法律责任

第四十条 规范性文件制定机关有下列行为之一的,由上级行政机关责令改正,给予通报批评;情节严重、造成不良后果的,由上级行政机关或者监察部门对直接负责的主管人员和直接责任人员依法给予处分:



第四十一条 法制机构及其工作人员不认真履行监督职责,有失职行为的,由各级人民政府或者有关机关追究其负责人和直接责任人的法律责任。

第九章 附 则

第四十二条 本办法自2012年3月1日起施行。《宿迁市规范性文件制定程序规定》(宿政发〔2001〕111号)、《宿迁市规范性文件备案审查规定》(宿政发〔2004〕60号)同时废止。本办法实施以前,市政府的其他规定与本办法不一致的,按照本办法执行。





第一条 为加强水利法制建设和对水行政执法队伍的管理,规范水行政执法行
第二条 水行政执法证件为“中华人民共和国水政监察证”,标志为“中国水
第三条 水政监察证件和标志的式样由水利部统一制定(见附件1),并负责监
第四条 证件和标志在制作时,应标注编码。
第五条 凡符合水利部规定任职条件的水政监察人员应填写“水政监察员登记
第六条 水政监察证件、标志不得涂改、损毁,不得转借他人。如有遗失,应
第七条 水政监察人员因工作调动或被免去水政监察员资格的,应由所在单位
第八条 本办法自1997年3月1日起实行。
